All Natural
Whole-Foods Meals
To Reverse
Physical, Mental & Social Decay
We Need

Health is the Way
Out of Social Decay
It All Starts With Food! .
Its Not The Only Thing,
But It Is a Primary Vital Core Factor.

The Signs of Social Decay
are Mental and Physical
Violence, murder, stealing
Physical Defects and Deformity including Obesity
Mental Aberrations
Mood & Attention Problems
Perversion & Sexual Deviation
Learning and Behavior Problems
High Susceptibility to Illness and Infectious Diseases

Nutrition is the First Answer
Nutrition is an Answer
Nutrition Really

Really is an Answer

Diet & Behaviour
Barbara Reed served as an Ohio probation officer for 20 years.
In 1971, she developed a program on the relationship of diet and behavior.
A five-year study showed that over 80% of people on her program
never got back into trouble with the courts.
Fourteen scientific studies have since proven that behavior is indeed affected by diet

Diet & Behavior
for the students of the Appleton Wisconsin Alternative High School.
In 1997, they started a whole fresh foods lunch program
Dropouts = O
Expulsions = O
Drugs = O
Weapons = O
Suicides = O

Diet & Behaviour
Barbara Reed Stitt says:
Improve their attitude, appearance and self-esteem by changing their diet.
A huge proportion of those getting into trouble were junk food junkies.
I put my probationers on a diet that forbade refined sugar, white flour, alcohol,
soft drinks and all foods with artificial additives

Diet & Behavior
“The Results were Astounding - the health of these individuals improved remarkably, they
stayed out of trouble and they became much more responsive to counseling.“
"The Peak Performance Program entails ridding schools of candy & soft drink machines, and
and replacing it with fresh foods, whole grain breads and energy drinks loaded with Omega 3.”
"Once again, I found that by cutting out junk food, you can cut out a long list of problems
including school violence and truancy.

More Proof

And More

Let's Steal Our Future Back!